
5 Secret Ways for Students to Save Money

Cashco Financial
November 16, 2021

Unlocking 5 Secret Ways for Students to Save Money

Life as a post-secondary student can be many things — busy, exciting, challenging, exhausting — but cheap is not one of them. After tuition, books, housing, transportation, food, and hopefully some fun, if you’re like most students, there’s little or no money left.If saving seems impossible, we get it. But maybe there are some ways you’ve never even thought about. So, in the spirit of Financial Literacy Month, we hope you learn something useful here to keep (or get!) more cash:

#1 Score a Student Discount

Amazon, Spotify, Apple, Air Canada — tons of places offer student deals but not everyone makes this well known. Do a quick Internet search and you’ll be pleasantly surprised! And, hey, when you’re out and about, it never hurts to ASK! (Have your student card and kindest smile handy.)

#2 Get a Library Card

Of course, the best deal is FREE and public libraries these days offer waaaay more than books. Think movies, music, video games, even tutoring! Again, we think you’ll be surprised!

#3 Pack Snacks

How many times have you found yourself on campus with the appetite of a werewolf and been “forced” to buy the first food you see? Skip the $3 vending machine chocolate bar or pricey sub and start packing a protein bar, granola, trail mix, jerky — anything you like that will keep in your backpack and tide you over. (Buy snack-size baggies at the dollar store!)

#4 Grocery Shop at Night

You’ve likely heard not to grocery shop when you’re hungry, but going later in the evening has another perk: this is when stores mark things down! Focus on foods with a shorter shelf life, like bread, produce, meat, dairy and, perfect for students, ready-made meals! (Be on the lookout for red stickers.)

#5 Apply for ALL the Scholarships You Can Find!

You might be shocked to learn how much FREE MONEY in student awards goes unclaimed because nobody bothers to apply! Not all scholarships are based on marks. However, you can always improve your grades by purchasing essay help from relevant sites. Search for scholarships and bursaries on your school’s website and Google “scholarship opportunities” in your city, province and Canada. Many businesses, unions and associations offer scholarships, too. Set aside a weekend to apply for all the free money you can!