
Motherhood: You’re not alone

Cashco Financial
May 11, 2017
A young mom kissing her newborn baby on the forehead.

Motherhood: A Journey of Connection and Empowerment

Motherhood can be difficult and isolating. But any mother need only look to the mother next to her to find the understanding and compassion she’s seeking.Because whatever your story, the importance of connecting and sharing with other moms is essential to getting through this time of life.

A new worldview

From the moment you see that second line on the pregnancy test, your world starts to open up to all the women who have stood in your shoes. Soon enough, you really start to see them: the other moms.

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You see that one friend who had kids long before the rest of the group, and you understand why she disappeared. You may even feel guilty for not supporting her more.You see that neighbour down the street with the four kids and admire the way she always looks so calm and put together. You also see the other moms who look frazzled and disorganized, and you understand why.And you see your own mother and everything she did for you from a whole new perspective.

Sometimes “mom” is not your mom

There are endless threads to the stories of motherhood, and sometimes “mom” is not the person who gave birth to you.

Adoption. Death. Divorce. Even abandonment. There are many circumstances where someone else has to step in—fathers, stepparents, grandparents, extended family and even older siblings. What may have begun as a loss or a tragedy can turn into something inspirational when someone else assumes the role of nurturer and protector because your mother can’t be there.These stories are just as much a part of the motherhood as any other.

Many stories, one motherhood

It’s no wonder that mommy blogging is such a popular industry, born out of a mother’s desire to connect and share with other moms.

But there are many sides of motherhood that can be difficult to share, regardless of how common they are.Enter motherhood and life gets harder. You sleep less and worry more. Every area of your life seems to suffer at some point, including your marriage, health, finances, career and friendships. Most of these things are never the same. Some of them don’t survive this phase of life.

Suddenly, real grownup things that once seemed far removed from your world start to show up with greater frequency.

Miscarriages and postpartum depression become more ordinary than you ever imagined. And then there are the stories of infertility and waiting years and years to see that second line. These are the stories of women who so desperately want to become part of the motherhood, and some of them never do.These things can be so hard to talk about, but they’re a natural part of the human experience, and healing happens when you share your stories with others.

A tribe called motherhood

This tribe called motherhood is sacred and essential. It opens your eyes, mind, and heart to all the women around you—and before you—who played the role. As varied as the stories may be, and as divisive all the parenting choices can become, at the heart of motherhood is a common desire to do what’s best for your children.

Whatever you’ve experienced, however isolated you feel, there are so many other mothers who have been there too. You need only have the courage to open up and share to find the connection you seek.Because no matter how lonely you feel on your journey through motherhood, you’re not alone.

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